
A House For A Film Maker

Reorganisation, Renovation And Extension of a Terraced House

Noel Park, London N22

A House For A Film Maker is all about regeneration.  It is about taking something that sat forgotten, abused, and neglected for decades and showering it with love, attention, enthusiasm, and money.

It is about saving a beautiful, old building from shameful neglect at the hands of one of north London’s biggest slum lords, Homes for Haringey.










A House For A Film Maker is about knowing that places and neighbourhoods are made up of buildings and houses – and that none of these were intended to be depressed, forgotten or neglected.  They were meant to be loved, valued, beautiful, meaningful and stabilising.

A House For A Film Maker is about an intrepid young man with three kids taking the risk and putting up the cash to transform a little piece of a struggling neighbourhood into what it was always meant to be: a joyful, modest family home. That is regeneration.



Planning Consultant
Planning Insight

Structural Engineer
QED Structures Ltd

Main Contractor
Keenan Construction Ltd

Matt Clayton

During Construction